In peatlands, a unique type of landscape, human and non-human elements come together to form a 'museum of nature'. After studying the peatland sites on Terceira island and the surrounding landform fabric, I discovered the role of nature and society in the territory. I see nature and society role as two interlocking layers that influence this site mutually balanced and inseparable.
In the Anthropocene epoch, humans are not outsiders to the ecosystem — rather, we are participants in its unfolding.
Peatlands cover just 3 percent of the Earth’s land but store approximately 30 percent of the Earth’s soil carbon. They are the largest natural terrestrial carbon store -more than all other vegetation types in the world combined, damaged peatlands are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.
In Terceira Island, agricultural activities and grazing can lead to peatland degradation, which in turn leads to a decline in island soil carbon storage and the destruction of natural habitats.
In this landscape design project, a sequence and network of peatland landscape parks will be implemented to deal with the problems above. The basic strategy of the project is a regenerative succession of degraded peatland aiming to achieve carbon neutrality, which is promoted by creating ecological corridors and patches, improving or rewilding pasture landscape, and low-carbon tourism.