My Graduation project Small is a short film about a shy, young boy who comes across a mysterious village deep in the forest, composed of buildings no larger than the size of his hands. As a storm fast approaches, the village is vulnerable and he must find a way to protect it.
The film is a blend of the genres coming-of-age, cosmic horror, and magical realism and was largely inspired by Studio Ghibli alongside films such as Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), and Coraline (2009).
My approach as a director is very hands-on and I’ve worked closely on every aspect of the film, from writing, directing, and editing. I enjoy the complete creative freedom that writing offers and being able to create worlds that I can explore infinitely.
Being on board at each stage of the production means I get to see the development of the narrative. Editing is my favourite part of the process as it allows me the opportunity to see the film come together.
I like to keep my crew small so that everyone on board is fully immersed, and makes the project feel more intimate. I also like to maintain my independence as a filmmaker, rather than making something that feels commercial.
A concept that I like to explore throughout my works is Mark Fisher’s The Weird and the Eerie, which is described as “A weird entity or object is so strange that it makes us feel that it should not exist, or at least it should not exist here” (Fisher, 2017).
Environmentalism and anthropocentrism are also recurring themes in my work, from which I take visual inspiration from the works of Scott Barley. I like to use extreme wide shots which portray humankind to be insignificant in scale in comparison to the environment, embodying the genre of cosmic horror.
I’ve enjoyed having the creative freedom to explore my identity and pursue my passions for filmmaking. All of my lecturers have been incredibly insightful and supportive in teaching me the practical skills that are necessary for me to pursue a career in the film industry. The skills I have learned over the past four years have been invaluable to my development as a filmmaker.
Covid-19 has had a tremendous impact on my work as it made production extremely challenging for my previous film Amongst the Bracken. Working alone as opposed to as part of a larger crew was a difficult transition, however, it lead me to explore atmosphere and visuals on a level I had previously not. These challenges have heavily shaped the formation of Small and it wouldn’t be the same film had I not been forced to work under the circumstances of the past few years.
Film education is my ultimate goal after graduating and a huge focus of my work is making the genres of fantasy and cosmic horror more accessible to younger audiences. I would love to get involved with film charities and contribute to making film education more accessible to children across Scotland.