Hi, I'm Jie Xin! I compose music and do art. I have always liked both and I am very interested in combining them.
In my final year, I have been developing a game called "Dreaming Butterflies". It was inspired by the simulation hypothesis, which can also be traced to a famous story from Zhuangzi, an ancient Chinese text, called "The Butterfly Dream". This is a simulation game where players are expected to hold an occupation. Players will need to stay curious and explore to discover clues about the simulation hypothesis hidden in the game, otherwise it is still fun to play along as a member of the society. The game is still in development but I have composed music for some areas in the game; I have included some of them below.
I hope you enjoy the music and if you would like to talk about the game or my music, please reach out to me at jiexin9@outlook.com . You can also visit my website for more info.