
Digital Shadows is a work-from-home accessory that looks to mimic only the good parts of being co-located in an office whilst working from home. This product projects your colleagues’ movement in a non-invasive manner to see when they start work and when they step away from their desk, relieving that workplace anxiety of not knowing when to clock off at the end of the day. This, coupled with the digital coffee break coaster and physical notification, helps bring those little bits of the office home with you whilst still allowing you the freedom of your own space.

Image showing LED strip lit up to represent colleague leg movement
Top View of product on desk

The product uses a range of sensors to measure the leg movement of your colleagues at their desks, and then conveys this back to the user through the movement of 19 LEDs up and down an LED strip; seeming as if they were there in the room with you. The coaster uses a sensor to register when it is in use; it then searches for other colleagues that are using their coaster at the same time, and sets up a video call with them, mimicking those impromptu coffee break conversations. Lastly, the function of the physical notification is in its name: a flag connected to the LED strip is pushed up when a colleague presses a physical button when in need of your attention.

Image of Coaster
Image of product accessories

Due to the pandemic, the world has seen an enormous shift in the way that we work. Many who thought working from home was impossible have had to eat their words as it becomes the new norm, at least for a couple days a week. Although it comes with its benefits, working alone from home offices can have effects on mental well-being caused by a reduced feeling of camaraderie, and a lessened feeling of belonging to a bigger team. This product aims to tackle these issues and bring you a little closer to that ideal working environment.

Image of range finder
Skills & Experience
  • Today Agency - Designer (Part Time) | Nov 21 - Present
  • EO Charging - Junior Designer (Freelance) | May 22 - Present
  • EUMAS - Designer | Feb - Sept 2021
  • Cameron Kelly Design - Freelance Graphic Designer | Oct 2019 - Present