Born from an intense love for books and adventures, this project expresses my passion for this Webnovel. Just like the journey that Cale goes on in the book, so does this project contain my journey in this course. From screen printing, letterpress, and sewing, to all the planning that goes into scroll making, everything I did was new and I learned so much. Screen printing my illustrations onto delicate and handmade Himalayan paper was a challenge, and then getting it through letterpress, ensuring each print registered at the exact right place was essential. Attaching the 6 pieces together, and sewing them into one long scroll that spreads at 1.4 meters long was a delicate process. Each scroll is different, black and silk newsprint scroll, white Shogi scroll and most important, the black book cloth Himalayan scroll. It was a long, tumultuous road that led to this genuinely bespoke book like no other.