Pandora Hearts
Pandora Hearts, a twenty-four volume graphic novel by Mochizuki Jun, is the story of a young boy called Oz who is dropped into a hell-like plane for a reason he is unsure of. The story follows him as he tries to uncover the truth and why the events of a hundred years ago seem to be linked. Due to the length of the series, I wanted to focus on a smaller area of the plot, transposing the important events that happen a hundred years before the series’ beginning to a stage production. This would allow the story to be more accessible to those who are already fans of the source material and those who would be coming at it with no prior knowledge.
Inspired by the original artwork, which features the use of watercolour and flower language, I used a process called cyanotype in order to take prints of plants I found on my walks. The prints were scanned and used to create textiles for each character and costume.