Project description

Embracing Wishaw’s distinctive history at all levels through the adaptive reuse of Cambusnethan Priory.

Situated in the Clyde Valley near Wishaw in North Lanarkshire, the Priory Collective is an arts, heritage and social hub for its surrounding community. Though Wishaw faces vast regeneration, the adaptive reuse of Cambusnethan Priory attempts to preserve the town’s rich history whilst simultaneously re-establishing community within Wishaw.

The Priory Collective aims to establish an environmentally conscious alternative to the demolition and reconstruction of Wishaw, which is currently being carried out by the North Lanarkshire Council. The project gives the monumental, yet ruinous, Cambusnethan Priory a new life, whilst placing material reuse at the heart of The Priory Collective, adopting a material system utilising waste prefabricated concrete slabs from the neighbouring Gowkthrapple Estate, which is soon to be demolished. 

Wishaw’s history and community has been a centre focus from the onset of the project, from the adoption of a building programme that promotes well being, ‘enabling development’ through project phasing, as well as the adoption of a meaningful construction system. 

Cambusnethan Priory Understanding Site and Structure
Promoting Inclusivity through Programme
Tectonic System
Reinforced Concrete Reuse System
Site Plan
Building Section
Detail Section 1
Detail Section 2
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Lauren Laroche

The Priory Collective: An Arts, Heritage and Social Hub at Cambusnethan Priory, Wishaw
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