River Clyde has a long history of flood events and salmon fishing. Over the years, to defend against the impact of flooding people placed a huge number of barriers against floods. These infrastructures keep playing their roles well, however, created bottlenecks throughout the watershed and caused many issues for fish and the social community. Furthermore, those manmade interventions to the river channel triggered bank erosion and habitats simplified, bringing a series of bad influences to the ecological environment, bringing impacts on the salmon life cycle will gradually lead to loss of upstream biodiversity and fish population decrease.
Instead of the traditional prevention-led approaches to flooding management, this experimental project attempts to seek a way of living with a potential flooding habitat conversation. Cause flood is a natural process and other than those negative influences on society, it plays an important role in ecology and landscape process, such as in this project, the promotion of the salmon life cycle. I hope to intervene in the environment of the main channel of the river, confluences, and tributaries through three phases of the salmon run route: spawning, migration, and rearing, to establish “ habitat connectivity” for salmon, to reconnect more historic habitat, reduces chronic flooding, improves the resilience of the area while recreating opportunities and stimulates the local economy.